RELI Africa at CIES 2023

By ALiVE team, Values and Life Skills Thematic Group The Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE) team recently released its Do our children in Kenya have Life Skills and Values? report which shares findings about Kenyan…
By Judith Nyakaisiki Evidence shows that children are in school but not learning. This is demonstrated annually through assessments conducted by Uwezo Uganda. According to Uwezo Uganda findings from a learning assessment carried out in 2021, the overall proportion of children…
The Grassroots nest for Innovation and Change is a locally-led organisation promoting community based learning and sustainable development for vulnerable communities. This article was originally a speech delivered by GRIC’s Executive Director, Wangui Nyaga, at the RELI Kenya convening held…
By Gaudence Kapinga The Teacher’s Development and Support cluster members learned about TaRL through a project that was implemented by Uwezo Tanzania, the results of which showed that TaRL is an innovative approach that can be adapted to local contexts and can…
By Virginia Wanjiru Ngindiru, Senior Manager, Zizi Afrique Foundation. Five years ago, representatives from diverse organizations in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania converged in Nairobi to launch a collaborative learning community, the Regional Education Learning Initiative. This community of education practitioners…
By Peter Evans Oriwo, EducAfrica Foundation As we take stock of the future of education, we need to find answers to two questions: What knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values will today’s learner need to thrive and shape their world? …
05th July 2022 PRESS STATEMENT THE REGIONAL EDUCATION LEARNING INITIATIVE (RELI) KENYA COUNTRY CONVENING Education stakeholders are convening at the KCB Leadership Centre for the 5th Country Convention of the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI), a collaborative network of over…
By Emmanuel Lubaale Uganda has been in an education crisis since long before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted educational institutions and halted formal learning nationwide. According to a pre-pandemic study by Uwezo Uganda, 61% of Ugandan students from Primary 3 to…
By Margaret Wawira This year, the theme of the always much anticipated Comparative and International Education Society Conference is: Illuminating the power of Idea/lism: Elevating ourselves in time, place and possibility. Given that this theme resonates so deeply with the…