Category Equity and Inclusion

RELI Africa at CIES 2023

RELI Africa is delighted to be participating in big numbers at this year’s CIES in Washington DC. Various RELI members will be hosting panels and presenting papers, both online and in-person. Their presentations will focus on contexualised innovations, policies, research and pedagogical approaches that can make education more equitable for all children. RELI Africa will also have a booth at the physical CIES conference where you can engage with us and learn more about our peer learning initiative that works to develop partnerships and enhance collaborations that will bring us closer to achieving equitable education in East Africa and beyond. Below is a detailed outline of the papers and panels we will be hosting at CIES.

Amplifying the Space of Parents in Learning

By Virginia Wanjiru Ngindiru, Senior Manager, Zizi Afrique Foundation.  Five years ago, representatives from diverse organizations in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania converged in Nairobi to launch a collaborative learning community, the Regional Education Learning Initiative. This community of education practitioners…

Education Cannot Wait! 

By Peter Evans Oriwo, EducAfrica Foundation As we take stock of the future of education, we need to find answers to two questions:   What knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values will today’s learner need to thrive and shape their world?  …


05th July 2022  PRESS STATEMENT  THE REGIONAL EDUCATION LEARNING INITIATIVE (RELI) KENYA COUNTRY CONVENING   Education stakeholders are convening at the KCB Leadership Centre for the 5th Country Convention of the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI), a collaborative network of over…