Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa
Who we are
Since early 2018, the Values and Life Skills (VaLi) thematic cluster of the Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) has identified with the need for strengthening the integration and development of 21st Century skills, and commenced work around this. More than 20 Civil Society Organizations have committed to collaborate in deepening understanding of members on values and life skills, experimenting with what works in nurturing and developing values and life skills, and developing context-relevant assessments to measure progress, share learnings and inform system change across Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Contextualised Assessment Tools
Household Assessment
Public Awareness & Policy Change
Learning and Amplified Voice
More specifically, ALiVE will:
- Develop context-relevant, open-source tools for assessing life skills in East Africa;
- Undertake a household assessment targeting adolescent aged 13 to 17 years, both in and out of school (generate the evidence);
- Use the evidence to draw attention to and increase awareness on the worth of these competencies among stakeholders (public policy advocacy);
- Elevate RELI-VaLi to a regional community of practice on methods and measurement of life skills, replicable at the national and regional levels for sustainability (transnational alliance building);
- Enhance peer learning and feedback among the RELI member organizations working on improving learning outcomes in East Africa (learning, sharing & capacity strengthening.)
Our Impact & Achievements
Participants attended launch
Studies conducted across region
Experts in ALiVE team
ALiVE Workshops held